The Awkward Bus Journey – Part One

Before I start this blog, I would like to point out that I am writing this under duress. One of my closest friends has been very subtle in telling me that I have not yet written a blog which includes her. By subtle I mean, she told me to write a blog about her. So I took the hint and decided to humiliate us both, by writing about our trip to Brent Cross. Luckily for her, I don’t include names in this blog, so you will have to make do with laughing at us virtually (you may use ‘CAPS LOCK’ if that enhances the experience).


The tale began when my friend decided my wardrobe was dire and that it must be fixed! So, obviously, she took me to BrentCross, despite my protests. Even ignoring the fact that I dislike shopping … intensely! Unless of course, it is online and I don’t have to leave the comfort of my sofa, or even better, my bed. She invited me for a ‘girly’ sleepover, you know, the kind you see in horror films (except we missed out the bit when the masked axe murderer kills us … we thought it would be a bit of a ‘party pooper’) so we just did the; watching films, painting our nails, gossiping about boys bit. The next morning, my friend had managed to convince me to go to Brent Cross, and so I went without, much, complaint.

When we arrived at the bus shelter, the ‘electricky thing’ hanging from the roof told us we would be waiting a good 13 minutes for a bus. So naturally, we both grumbled and sat down moaning as we did so and, as if the ‘electricky thing’ was mocking us, it decided to push back the arrival of our bus another 8 minutes. If ‘electricky things’ could feel pain I would’ve thrown a rock. But fortunately … for it, they can’t. When the bus did come, we got on little too eagerly and received an odd look from the bus driver. We took the two last seats and sat down and began to speak about very cliche girly things…. I’m assuming, I can’t remember the details. Soon into our journey, an elderly couple got on the bus and as we had been brought up to respect our elders, we offered them our seats. They took them gratefully and we were left standing for the remainder of our journey. It became apparent that this gesture was not left unnoticed, as a greasy haired boy who was sitting near the back with his friends (the cool kids section of the bus, of course), asked us if we would like to have their seats. We declined, partly because we had no interest in interacting with this boy, and if we had taken their seat, we would end up being in their debt, making the prospect of us having to converse with them for any longer inevitable. Unfortunately,  the boy was not disheartened by our rejection, and continued to speak with us. He evidently did not pick up on our non-existent hints. We were flustered (well that’s my excuse) and ended up telling him that we were going to BrentCross, coincidentally  that’s where he was going as well and they came up with the brilliant idea that we all have lunch together … YAY. As he went to go get his phone so we could ‘exchange numbers’ I said in an undertone to my friend.

“Should I give them a fake number?” and she made the mistake of advising me to give them my real number. I said my number in a rush, and we hurriedly ran off the bus, hoping that they would accidently drop their phone down a grate or fall into a phone-sized pond.


To be continued…

Your excitement is almost tangible.

Last updated: April 16, 2020


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