The Candyfloss Dog

Now, I have a confession. To some of you this is an absolutely brilliant thing, to others this is the worse possible aspect of my personality you have yet to come across and some of you couldn’t care less. What is it, you ask? Well I shall tell you. I am a very, VERY big Harry Potter fan. It may not be the best book of its time, nor the best film/acting. But to me, this was a important part of my childhood and without it my life would be significantly different. For one thing, I wouldn’t have spent the majority of Year Six trying to cast spells with discarded branches from nearby trees. However, I did not begin to write this blog too depress you with the  little sad things that gave me pleasure, I would just like to point out that they no longer give me pleasure! No, I wrote this blog to tell you about an article I read in the newspapers a couple of days ago.

This article was on Emma Watson, but it was not her picture that caught my eye as I was on the train casually reading someone’s newspaper over their shoulder, it was the neon pink dog she was walking. At first I was concerned – not for the dog’s welfare, for I have friends who have dyed their hair more shocking colours and they have turned out fine – but for my eyesight. ‘Had I really just seen Emma Watson’s dog dyed pink?’ Ms Watson, whom I had always thought  quite a sane girl who had not been affected by stardom the way some poor souls had been, ahem Lindsay Lohan. So I continued to peer ostentatiously over the stranger’s shoulder, who I think was beginning to become quite worried about my sanity, and continued to read the short article in the Metro. It did not explain why Emma Watson had decided to suddenly dye her dog pink and strut the highstreets with it yapping soundly at her feet. … I could tell it was a yappy dog from the photos.

However, after doing some extensive research (typing ‘emma watson, darcy*‘ into a search engine) I was relieved and also slightly disappointed. It turns out that this puppy did not belong to Emma Watson, but it did infact belong to her friend, who had dyed the dog neon pink in an attempt to raise awareness about breast cancer. I thought it could be a security measure, in case she lost it, she would be able to see it from outer space.

Although I do not agree with the dyeing of puppies … or kittens for that matter, I was disappointed because even though I love Emma Watson, she has never done anything that outrageous and so when I was on the train that morning it took away my morning grumpiness and replaced it with a type of excitement which I only get when I hear anything remotely interesting about the Harry Potter extravaganza.

As you may have realised this is not the challenge I spoke of in my previous blog ‘A Jubilant Weekend’, I am still deliberating on whether to do this challenge and therefore not going to make anything official (by blogging about it) until my mind is set, those of you who know me will know that this will take a long time since my mind tends to change multiple times before … uh … not changing?

Darcy is the supposed name of the candyfloss dog. – I prefer my name for it, don’t you?

Last updated: April 16, 2020


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