A Jubilant Weekend

A Jubilant Weekend

As I’m sure many of you know, the weekend in which I began this blog,  was dedicated to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. Now, usually the thought of trekking all about London in the pouring rain would end up in me chaining myself to the bed in protest, although my blog name may lead you to think differently.

My Mum Makes Macaroons

My Mum Makes Macaroons

Macaroons. Macaroons macaroons macaroons. Ooh, it’s hard to say after a while. Sounds weird. Well yes, anyway, as you may have guessed from my subtle hints this blog is about macaroons. But not just any macaroons, my mother’s homemade macaroons. These macaroons were unlike any I have ever tasted, however this could be because the […]

The Confrontation Shimmy

The Confrontation Shimmy

Every child goes through a stage when something they did or said would be beyond cool. Some of these signature ‘things’ may be unique or they may be from the previous generation and adopted by the child in question. So at first, speaking from my own experience, we would all be the coolest cats in […]

Every Blogger’s Nightmare (I’m Assuming)

Every Blogger’s Nightmare (I’m Assuming)

There is a moment that almost every blogger will have to go through and I myself recently had to go through this painful experience. Just as I was finishing off the final words of my masterpiece my laptop decides that it would be fun to refresh and POOF, my blog, my last three hours were gone. […]